To athletes

To athletes


The main task of an athlete is to say no to doping!

Knowing and following anti-doping rules;
Be ready to take a doping test at any time;
Be responsible for what you consume and use in an anti-doping context;
To inform medical personnel of their obligations not to use prohibited substances and prohibited methods, to know that they are responsible for ensuring that any medical care provided to them does not conflict with local regulations adopted in accordance with anti-doping policies and national anti-doping regulations;
Cooperation with UzMADA in the investigation of violations of anti-doping rules.

According to the World Anti-Doping Code, athletes are strictly responsible for the presence of prohibited substances in their bodies. Therefore, athletes should be very careful when taking medications and especially biologically active supplements (dietary supplements), as they may contain prohibited substances.

Responsibilities of sports personnel:

Knowing and following anti-doping rules;
Cooperation in the implementation of testing programs for athletes;
To influence the athlete, his views and behavior to create an environment of tolerance towards doping;
Cooperating with Anti-Doping Organizations in investigating anti-doping rule violations;
Athlete Support Personnel shall not use or possess any Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method without reason.

Athlete's right:

Participation in doping-free competitions;
Comply with all provisions of the World Anti-Doping Code, International Standards and National Anti-Doping Regulations;
To receive timely and objective information about violations of anti-doping rules;
Impartial review of allegations of anti-doping rule violations;
Appealing Anti-Doping Rule Violation Charges and Sanctions.



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